Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Christmas Planning

Yeah, it's that time. Maybe I'm not quite ready to pull the trigger and start ordering everything on my list, but I've definitely got a list. The list might be a work in progress, but many of the items on it are things that are done deals - just gotta order them.

The rest of the list is in the middle of a brainstorm.

The Playmobil is all picked out and ordered. Done!

Art supplies, yes, but which exactly? Pens, yes. Paper, yes. Prismacolor markers? Hmm, maybe. Tempura paints? Maybe.

Games? Yes. Card games? Sure. Checked out the GameWright site today, but nothing jumped out at me.

Browsed board games some today. It's a wild world of games out there! Interested in one called Celtica. Also interested in a very popular one called Carcassonne. We'll see...

Perhaps I'm the one more interested in remote control toys than my daughters are, but I foresee an RC helicopter in our future...

Reviewing the market for building toys inspired a full on rant which I started writing tonight but which won't be done for a few days. Suffice to say I'm not pleased with the selection. Currently, I'm weighing the merits of the varying competing wooden plank toys. I can't say I'm thrilled that picking between 3 very generic, and rather blah looking wooden plank systems has me that thrilled, but here I am, determined to get something in the genre.

So that's where I am as of today. Can you feel the suspense build? Christmas 2013 here we come...

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